No-Based is based-af
pure traits from No-Punks and a little sauce from based punks
Where to buy?
Buy your favorite No-Based on MagicEden

About the artist
I'm a professional web developer with a passion for coding and digital art. On Base, I will create free mints on highlight.xyz and one paid mint on OpenSea (with an 80%+ free WL), simply because I love creating and enjoy seeing my art in collectors' wallets. I won't stop creating; I will continue adding new free collections on Highlight at irregular intervals. No hype, just fun art. If you like my work, you can support me by minting No-Based or one of the free mints on highlight.xyz.
See ya,
Mike from The Netherlands
Here are my other collections available for free minting on Highlight. There's a small marketplace fee of 0.0008 ETH, with 50% of that going directly to my wallet. If you'd like to support my work, feel free to mint and help put "Mike" on the trending list! :)